must-see guide to ISC

 With so much amazing content and learning to absorb at this year's event, we've curated a list of the  presentations, sessions, and abstracts you won't want to miss.

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Sessions of Interest: Add to Your Calendar

Our team is excited to attend the sessions listed below. It's easy to add them to your calendar: simply click on the Google Cal or Outlook icon

Modernizing Stroke Trials for the 21st Century -Scale, Strategy, and Technology

Wednesday, Feb 5, 2:00 - 3:00 PM PST, Hall K 010

The field of stroke research has witnessed transformative advancements over the past three decades. However, traditional RCT methodologies are increasingly challenged by the growing complexity of clinical questions, a demand for inclusivity, and rising costs.

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Endovascular thrombectomy for distal medium vessel occlusions – How far is too far?

Wednesday, Feb 5, 3:30 - 4:30 PM PST, Hall K 015

While endovascular thrombectomy has become the gold standard for treatment of large vessel occlusions (ICA/M1 segment of MCA), the optimal treatment of more distal occlusions remains controversial. Endovascular thrombectomy in distal occlusions have been associated with higher risk due to smaller vessel diameter, increased vessel tortuosity and longer path to site of occlusion.

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Association of Hypoperfusion Intensity Ratio, Cerebral Blood Volume Index, and the CRISP2 Collateral Score with Good Outcome for Patients Transferred for Thrombectomy

Wednesday, February 5, 4:57 - 5:09 PM PST

 Rahul R Karamchandani, Andrew Asimo

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Age and Admission NIH Stroke Scale but Not Radiologic Collateral Status Predict Modified Rankin Score in Large and Medium Vessel Occlusion Ischemic Strokes

Wednesday, February 5, 6:00 - 6:05 PM PST
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Performance of RAPID SDH for detection of both Acute and Chronic Subdural Hematomas

Wednesday, February 5, 6:10 - 6:15 PM PST

Jeremy J. Heit PhD, MD, Hafex Haerian MD, Justin Honce MD, Karen Copeland PhD

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Endovascular Therapy Vs. Medical Management In Isolated Anterior Cerebral Artery Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Multinational Multicenter Propensity Score-Weighted Study

Wednesday, February 5, 6:50 - 6:55 PM PST

Moderated poster tour

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Effect of RapidAI Imaging Software Implementation on Workflow Metrics in Acute Ischemic Stroke Care

Wednesday, February 5, 7:00 - 7:30 PM PST

Hamza Adel Salim MD, Vivek Yedavalli MD, Dhairya A. Lakhani MD, Karen Copeland Ph.D., Jeremy J. Heit MD Ph.D., Gregory W Albers MD

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DUEL - Detection of LVO Using AI: Evaluating RapidAI versus VizAI in detection of Large Vessel Occlusion on CT Angiography in a Large Consecutive Patient Series of 1,591 Code Stroke

Wednesday, February 5, 7:00 - 7:30 PM PST

Harmeet Sachdev, Ken Ong, Susan Marklein, Alison Hudson, Maria Flores.

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Prolonged Venous Transit on Perfusion Imaging Is Associated With Prolonged Hospitalization in Acute Large Vessel Occlusion Strokes

Wednesday, February 5, 7:00 - 7:30 PM PST
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Predictors And Outcomes Of Excellent Recanalization Versus Successful Recanalization After Thrombectomy In Proximal And Distal Medium Vessel Occlusion Strokes: A Multinational Study

Wednesday, February 5, 7:00 - 7:30 PM PST

Neuroendovascular Posters 

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Utilizing Artifical Intelligence to Improve Quality and Outcomes in Stroke Care

Wednesday, February 5, 7:00 - 7:30 PM PST

Krys Cobian MSN RN, Rachel Cochran MSN RN CCRN, Brenna Cuttrell MSN RN CCRN

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Impact of Imaging Acquisition Protocol on Automated ASPECTS Performance

Wednesday, February 5, 7:00 - 7:30 PM PST

Lauren Penn, Tabby Kennedy MD, JP Yu MD, Richard Bruce MD

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Advancing Regional Thrombectomy Systems of Care: Global Perspectives

Thursday, Feb 6, 7:30 - 9:00 AM PST, Hall K 020

The session aims to foster a robust exchange of knowledge and experiences among experts from diverse regions, with a focus on identifying and addressing challenges in delivering optimal thrombectomy care.  

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Optimal Imaging for Patient Triage in the Late Time Window and with Large Cores? (Debate)

Thursday, Feb 6, 9:15 - 10:45 AM PST, Hall K 022 

The debate will focus on what imaging modalities and tools are likely to help physicians make decisions around EVT eligibility when patients present late or have large infarct cores on baseline imaging.

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Imaging Moderated Digital Posters
(moderated by Dr Greg Albers)

Thursday, Feb 6, 12:40 - 1:10 PM PST, Hall G, Poster Hall, DP7

 This session covers original research submitted as abstracts in the Imaging category

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Synergistic Effect of Hospital Prenotification and RAPIDAI on Thrombectomy Times in Large Telemedicine System

Thursday, February 6, 6:15 - 6:20 PM

Meet Theresa Sevilis, DO, FAAN in Hall G, Poster Hall | Poster Board Number: TMP28

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Best Interventions vs. Conservative Management for Unruptured Brain Aneurysms: Assessing the Risks and Benefits

Thursday, Feb 6, 2:00 - 3:00 PM, Room 152

This debate could explore the decision-making process in treating unruptured brain aneurysms, weighing the potential benefits of preemptive intervention against the merits of monitoring and waiting.

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Cerebrovascular Systems of Care Moderated Poster Tour II

Thursday, Feb 6, 6:00 - 7:00 PM PST, Hall G, Poster Hall

This session covers original research submitted as abstracts in the Cerebrovascular Nursing category. Primary moderator: Sean I Savitz

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Efficacy And Safety Of Mechanical Thrombectomy In Medium Vessel Occlusion Ischemic Stroke Patients On Low-Dose Aspirin

Thursday, February 6, 7:00 - 7:30 PM PST

Neuroendovascular Posters II

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Larger Perfusion Mismatch Volume Is Associated with Longer Hospital Length of Stay in Medium Vessel Occlusion Stroke

Thursday, February 6, 7:00 - 7:30 PM PST

Imaging posters II

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Single- and Multi-Phase Computed Tomography Angiography Are Associated with Digital Subtraction Angiography and American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology Collateral Score of Three or Greater

Thursday, February 6, 7:00 - 7:30 PM PST

Imaging Posters II

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The relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) <42% is independently associated with hemorrhagic transformation in successfully reperfused anterior circulation large vessel occlusion

Thursday, February 6, 7:00 - 7:30 PM PST

Imaging Posters II

Dhairya Lakhani, Neri Balar, Subtain Ali, Musharaf Khan, Hamza A Salim, Manisha Koneru, Sijin Wen, Richard Wang, Janet Mei, Argye E Hillis, Jeremy J Heit, Gregory W. Albers, Adam A Dmytriw, Tobias D Faizy, Max Wintermark, Kambiz Nael, Ansaar T Rai, Vivek S Yedavalli

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